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#ourgame against racism

2020 | anti-racism football campaign | in collaboration with Arno and Levy


Today’s football stadiums have often been transformed into playgrounds for racists aiming for our beloved athletes, and this shouldn’t be acceptable. But if we look at our history, it could actually teach us a few lessons. In times of war football has always meant peace, giving each and every single person hope and joy. So tell me why, in times of peace, football should mean war?


To convey this valuable message we created a video- aswell as a postercampaign showing soldiers and civilians playing football, in times of war. This chronological presentation of war torn imagery climaxes with the statement “in times of peace, football shouldn’t mean war”.

ourgame caseboard
ourgame poster mockup row one
ourgame poster mockup row two
ourgame poster mockup big
ourgame instagram
ourgame billboard
ourgame team
ourgame field advertisement
ourgame flag
ourgame poster wall